Team card

Picture of CB Tizona 1

CB Tizona

Number Name PM TP P Linked
Look 2 Adrian Urrez GonzalezAdrian Urrez Gonzalez 4 15 15
Look 5 Hugo García CorralHugo García Corral 2 2 2
Look 6 Marco Aparicio SanchezMarco Aparicio Sanchez 2 7 7
Look 11 Manuel Valbuena FernándezManuel Valbuena Fernández 3 7 7
Look 13 Arthur Braga SoaresArthur Braga Soares 4 7 7
Look 13 Raul  Vicario GarciaRaul Vicario Garcia 2 7 7
Look 15 Arturo Perpiña OlivaresArturo Perpiña Olivares 3 13 13
Look 16 Miguel FernandezGarciaMiguel FernandezGarcia 2 9 9
Look 23 Álvaro De Pedor SantamaríaÁlvaro De Pedor Santamaría 2 3 3
Look 25 Marío Cortés FernándezMarío Cortés Fernández 1 14 14
Look 0 Ángel Quintanilla BernabéÁngel Quintanilla Bernabé 4 27 27
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